Wednesday, December 2, 2009

5 Most Important Responsabilities of Citizen

One of the most important responsibility of a citizen is to obey the laws of the United States. Everybody have to obey the laws because if people would just do what they pleased, no society would exist. That is why police officers and courts exist, to keep everything in order. If somebody breaks a law then it have to be punish or there would be a penalty. Another responsibility is to pay taxes. Taxes are necessary because they pay for things that most people could not purchase for themselves, such as schools, roads, and much more. The third responsibility that is very important is to serve as a witness. In the United States is important because that person helps a lot in a case where the witness testify information that might know about in a court trial. That is why the witness have to be there when the judge tells he/she to be there. Another responsibility that is kind of the same as a witness would be the jury duty responsibility. That is something guaranteed by the United States and citizens have to support this responsibility. Is so important because this juror come and hear the case and after that they have to decide if the defendant is guilty or not. So its an important matter that they have to decide, if to put somebody in jail or not. The last important responsibility of a citizen is to vote. Every citizen have to vote in every election to make sure that the democratic, representative system of government is maintained. The person who does not vote lose their voice in the government.

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